My first time being in Melbourne and my first time attending the Shopify Pursuit event.
Look for me in the grey shirt. A two day event, day 1 is Office Hours where we got a one one one consultation with a Shopify rep. And then followed by Master class by Craig Somerville, Managing Director of Reload Media. Really useful topic about growing and executing your agency's strategy. Next stop is the Pursuit meetup hosted by Disco and The Working Party at The Commons Collingwood, ended by beers at The Stomping Ground. And day two is the Shopify Pursuit at Deakin Edge.
Met many awesome guys from The Working Party, Andzen, Disco, Okendo, Gorgias, Pocket Square and many more.
Two full days of learning and networking, especially for me coming all the way from Indonesia. Hoping to come on the next Pursuit in 2019.